
最新av网站 Red Velvet涩琪初次挑战主抓 担任网综《涩琪.zip》MC l KBS WORLD Chinese

发布日期:2024-11-05 15:30    点击次数:195

最新av网站 Red Velvet涩琪初次挑战主抓 担任网综《涩琪.zip》MC l KBS WORLD Chinese



Red Velvet成员涩琪出谈以来初次挑战MC,由她主抓的网综《涩琪.zip》已于日前上线。该节目是基于NAVER NOW的一档明星汇聚综艺,节目中将邀请明星嘉宾或粉丝来到家中,畅聊各式话题。


第一期节目邀请的嘉宾为近来大热的新东谈主女团,亦然涩琪同公司师妹团aespa。涩琪和aespa成员在节目中畅聊前锋、寝室糊口、专辑制作花絮、歌单推选等话题,也让粉丝们对偶像有了进一步了解。涩琪还在现场跳了aespa新歌《Next Level》的跳舞。


Arrest Warrants to be Sought for tp1 Captain and Crew Member of Oil Tanker

Arrest Warrants to be Sought for tp1 Captain and Crew Member of Oil Tanker

[Sound bite: President Moon Jae-in (Korean)]

"South Korea and China are comrades who went through and overcame the hardships of the modern history together. I hope my visit to China will serve as a starting point to upgrade bilateral ties by another dimension based upon our comradely trust. As South Korea and China defeated the colonial imperialism, I hope we can overcome the current crisis of the North East Asia together."

Moon said a nuclear North Korea cannot be accepted under any circumstances and once again stressed dialogue with North Korea.

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